The first quilt I ever made was when we lived in Alice Springs, Australia in 1985. I took a class from a friend. The quilt was done completely by hand and upon completion I felt a terrific sense of pride, something that I created with my own two hands. The quilt is still used. Throughout the years I continued sewing and tatting. I am always interested in trying different art projects. But what I truly love doing is quilting, working with all the beautiful fabrics now available, designing and trying different methods of quilting, always learning something new.

I guess I attribute my interests in crafts to my mom who was a quilter (all by hand), a sewer and was always crocheting something for someone. Mom quilted a blanket for every member of the family, all different patterns, mostly queen sized and all quilted with love. Mom passed away in 2013 at the age of 90. She left here children, grandchildren and great grandchildren each a bit of her love through the quilts she made for each one. The following are pictures of quilts Mom made that I have in my home.